Jul 10, 2019

Canonical Problems in Scattering and Potential Theory Part 1

Canonical Problems in Scattering and Potential Theory Part 1: Canonical Structures in Potential Theory (Monographs and Surveys in Pure and Applied Mathematics) by S.S. Vinogradov (Author), P. D. Smith (Author), E.D. Vinogradova (Author)

Although the analysis of scattering for closed bodies of simple geometric shape is well developed, structures with edges, cavities, or inclusions have seemed, until now, intractable to analytical methods.

This two-volume set describes a breakthrough in analytical techniques for accurately determining diffraction from classes of canonical scatterers with comprising edges and other complex cavity features. It is an authoritative account of mathematical developments over the last two decades that provides benchmarks against which solutions obtained by numerical methods can be verified.
The first volume, Canonical Structures in Potential Theory, develops the mathematics, solving mixed boundary potential problems for structures with cavities and edges.
The second volume, Acoustic and Electromagnetic Diffraction by Canonical Structures, examines the diffraction of acoustic and electromagnetic waves from several classes of open structures with edges or cavities.
Together these volumes present an authoritative and unified treatment of potential theory and diffraction-the first complete description quantifying the scattering mechanisms in complex structures.

2001 | ISBN: 1584881623

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