Despite the multiple books that detail these specialized topics independently, this book categorizes all of them in a strategic and meaningful fashion. The topics covered in this book are essential and fundamental for both graduate and undergraduate students, and would also be useful for researchers.
Though a number of available textbooks cover either electronic properties or/and magnetic properties of transition and inner-transition elements separately, a singular textbook covering all of the above mentioned topics has yet to be written. Hence, we wrote this book with a focus on the principles of electronic and magnetic properties of transition and inner transition metal ions/complexes. Attempts were made to describe the different aspects of the topics in a simple way that could help students to easily comprehend them. Despite the multiple books that detail these specialized topics independently, this book categorizes all of them in a strategic and meaningful fashion. The topics covered in this book are essential and fundamental for both graduate and undergraduate students, and would also be useful for researchers.
The aim of this concise book is to provide a non-mathematical account of the electronic and magnetic properties of transition/inner-transition elements, and their complexes. This book is divided into four chapters. The first chapter covers the basic concepts of symmetry in molecules/orbitals, point groups, spectroscopic terms and term symbols. The second chapter focusses on the crystal field, ligand field, molecular orbital theory, energy level diagrams and their importance within the subject's spectra. The third chapter describes magnetic properties of transition metal ions/complexes; their spin and orbital contributions are elaborated as well. Lastly, the fourth chapter discusses the importance of electronic spectra in practical applications; in particular, a focus is given of how to practically measure and find out the important parameters using electronic spectroscopic analysis.
We would like to emphasize that this book, complete with illustrative examples and diagrams as visual aids, serves as a textbook for graduate and undergraduate students. This book may also be useful to anyone who would like to understand these concepts in a simpler way and use them as a basis for further study of the subject.
2017 | ISBN: 1536109142
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