Jul 6, 2019

Elementary Particle Theory, Volume 3: Relativistic Quantum Dynamics

Relativistic Quantum Dynamics (De Gruyter Studies in Mathematical Physics) by Eugene Stefanovich (Author)

In this third volume of three, quantum electrodynamics is formulated in the language of physical "dressed" particles. A theory where charged particles interact via instantaneous action-at-a-distance forces is constructed - without need for renormalization. This theory describes electromagnetic phenomena in terms of directly interacting charges, but in full accord with fundamental principles of relativity and causality.

Three ways to look at QFT
What are advantages of dressed Hamiltonian?
Coulomb potential and beyond
RQD in higher orders
Classical electrodynamics
Experimental support of RQD
Particles and relativity
Special theory of relativity
Unitary dressing transformation
Integral for decay law
Coulomb scattering integral in fourth order
Relativistic invariance of Coulomb Darwin Breit electrodynamics

2018 | ISBN: 3110490900


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