Controversies in population ecology are brought fully upto date in this edition, with many brand new and revised examplesand data.
Each chapter provides an overview of how population theory hasdeveloped, followed by descriptions of laboratory and field studiesthat have been inspired by the theory. Topics explored includesingle-species population growth and self-limitation, lifehistories, metapopulations and a wide range of interspecificinteractions including competition, mutualism, parasite-host,predator-prey and plant-herbivore. An additional final chapter, newfor the second edition, considers multi-trophic and other complexinteractions among species.
Throughout the book, the mathematics involved is explained with astep-by-step approach, and graphs and other
visual aids are used to present a clear illustration of how themodels work. Such features make this an accessible introduction topopulation ecology; essential reading for undergraduate andgraduate students taking courses in population ecology, appliedecology, conservation ecology, and conservation biology, includingthose with little mathematical experience.
2015 | ISBN: 1118947584
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