Recently couple of books have been written which are good and cover some of the context, but I want to cover everything about probability & statistics from basics to statistical learning. I would like to mention that my focus in these posts would be to give intuition on every topic and how it relates to data science rather going deep into mathematical formulas.
This book contains 6 chapters, this one is the first which gives an overview and set the context of subsequent chapters.
Second chapter describes probability & its types, random variables & probability distributions and how they are important from data science perspective.
Conditional Probability
Random Variables
Probability Distributions
Third, Fourth & Fifth chapters cover every topic related to statistics & its significance in data science.
Descriptive Statistics
Inferential Statistics
Bayesian Statistics
Sixth (& final) chapter elaborates statistical learning, it will be about looking at machine learning or data science from statistical perspective.
Statistical Learning
Prediction & Inference
Parametric & Non-parametric methods
Prediction Accuracy and Model Interpretability
Bias-Variance Trade-Off
So if you are looking for similar kind of learning curve, kindly continue with the book.
2019 | ASIN: B07N18VT5C
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