Aug 13, 2019

408 - Gastrointestinal Surgery

Gastrointestinal Surgery: Management of Complex Perioperative Complications by Timothy M. Pawlik (Editor), Shishir K. Maithel (Editor), Nipun B. Merchant (Editor)

Advances in surgical technique and broadening indications for complex gastrointestinal procedures, surgical management of thoracic, hepato-pancreato-biliary, and colorectal diseases continues to evolve, but morbidity continues to be a persistent problem.

This book provides a comprehensive, state-of-the art, definitive reference for the diagnosis and management of difficult-to-manage complications following advanced gastrointestinal surgery. All chapters are written by experts in their field and include the most up-to-date clinical information from national and world leaders in their respective discipline. The text provides a practical, clinically useful guide that reviews risk factors for these complications and offers key information on how to avoid potentially high morbidity events in the peri-operative period. It also discusses the management of these problems when they do occur. With its helpful guidelines and "tricks of the trade" to avoid potential complications, this book is essential to all medical professions treating such patients. Gastrointestinal Surgery: Management of Complex Perioperative Complications is of great value and utility for general surgeons, thoracic surgeons, upper gastrointestinal surgeons, colorectal surgeons, hepato-pancreato-biliary surgeons, surgical oncology fellows, thoracic surgery fellows and upper level residents in general surgery.

2015 | ISBN-10: 149392222X | ID - 408

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